Read the instructions below carefully and avoid mistakes when submitting your abstract:

To submit abstracts, you must be registered for the congress and access the “Restricted area” on the website's main menu, enter your registered email and password and click on "Abstract Submission;

It is not necessary to make payment at the time of registration.

This can be done after the acceptance of your abstract has been announced.

Rules and instructions for submitting Abstracts

•Only abstracts of studies submitted in accordance with the standards presented will be considered;
•The author who will make the submission must first register at the Conference;
•Abstracts must be edited and submitted online, making it possible to copy from another program (usually WORD);
•We are not responsible for incorrectly entered data;
•Each attendee can submit up to 10 abstracts per registration: it is possible to add up to 10 authors, 1 author and 9 co-authors;
•Abstracts will be accepted in the following languages: Portuguese and English;
•Encore studies will be accepted;
•Attention! Abstracts not finalized in the system will not be selected and will be automatically excluded;
•The Evaluation Committee will evaluate the abstracts works and select only those that comply with the standards defined for this event;
•Conflicts of interest: Any potential conflict of interest must be declared, including those of a personal, professional, employment, political, and/or financial nature, as well as interests associated with patents or properties, provision of materials and/or inputs and equipment used in the study. It is the authors' responsibility to disclose all relationships of any nature that may introduce bias or be seen as bias in the conduct of their study;
•Accepted abstracts will be presented in a Panel format;
•All approved abstracts will be available in an exclusive area during the HEMO 2024 Conference; it is also important to engage authors in divulging their studies;
•All approved abstracts will be published in the journal HTCT – Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy under the title Anais HEMO 2024.

Text editing

•The limit number of characters is 3,500 (the count is done automatically by the system and includes “space”, special characters and title).
•The structure of the text must follow the following order:
Title – It must be objective and informative, without acronyms, allowing the appreciation of the subject covered in the study;
Authors – Make sure that the authors' names are complete and correctly spelled. Names must be separated by a hyphen (for exampleSilva-Filho, Silva-Neto, Silva-Sobrinho, Silva-Junior);
Institutions – Put the full name of the institution, acronym in parentheses, city, state, country. Example: University of São Paulo (USP), SP, Brazil;
Objectives – It must clearly express the theoretical premises and justifications of the study;
Material and methods;
Results – Present the relevant results in a clear and synthetic way, based on the methodology applied;
Discussion – Discussion of the results, arguing and supporting what was found;
Conclusion – They must be related to objectives and results;
Do not use graphs, images, tables and references in abstracts;
Case Reports – must follow the standard structure of a regular case report;
•Financial support information will not be considered;
•Changes to the content of abstracts/papers will not be permitted after the submission process has been completed;
The list of approved abstracts will be published on the HEMO 2024 website. Announcement that the result is now available on the official Congress page will be made through the HEMO 2024 social media channels. @abhhoficial.



- Red Cell Diseases: Aplastic anemia, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, congenital anemias, Fanconi anemia
- Red Cell Diseases: Deficiency anemias, hemochromatosis and porphyria
- Red Cell Diseases: Hemolytic anemias
- General Hematology - Covid
- Laboratory Hematology
- Leukocytes, Inflammation, Infection and Immunology
- Palliative care


- Flow Cytometry
- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia and other chronic lymphoproliferative diseases
- Chronic myeloid leukemia and other chronic myeloproliferative syndromes, including polycythemias
- Acute leukemias
- Hodgkin's lymphoma
- non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
- Multiple myeloma
- Onco Hemato - Covid Myelodysplastic Syndromes


- Hemostasis and Covid
- Hemostasis and Vascular Wall: Biology
- Hemostasis and Vascular Wall: Coagulation and fibrinolysis diseases
- Hemostasis and Vascular Wall: Platelet Diseases
- Hemostasis and Vascular Wall: Thrombosis




- Apheresis
- Blood cell antigens
- Covid-19
- Blood donation
- Diseases Transmitted by Transfusions
- Quality assurance
- Transfusion Medicine
- Patient Blood Management
- Storage Component Preparation
- Serology


- biomedical Sciences
- Covid -Multidisciplinary
- Nursing
- Pharmacy
- Management for health services
- Dentistry
- Psychology



Plenary session: Awards and oral presentations

The best studies on the key themes of the specialty will be awarded:  

Academic category                                                                                                  
•  Award "Best Study in Hematology”
•  Award "Best Study in Bone Marrow Transplant and Cellular Therapy "
•  Award "Best Study in Hemotherapy"
•  Award "Best Study in Pediatric Hematology"
•  Award "Best Study in Hemostasis"
•  Award "Young HEMO",encompassing the best Study from academic leagues.
•  Award “Best Multidisciplinary Study”, contemplating the best Study in the categories: Biomedical Sciences, Covid-Multidisciplinary, Nursing, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Psychology or Management for Health Services.

Social ‍Category
-  Award "One Blood" covering the best social initiative that encourages Blood Donation
Check the rules.